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Customer Testimonials

Mary is a gentle soul and gifted healer.

After learning that Mary had first been attuned as a Reiki healer at the age of seven, I instantly knew that she must be a natural and gifted healer. Working shift work and a lot of nights would sometimes leave me feeling unbalanced and energy depleted but seeing Mary regularly has made a huge difference to my mind, body and spirit. The quality of my sleep has improved, I feel much more at peace and I can maintain much higher levels of energy now. She has also helped me accelerate healing post surgery and her use of healing crystals seems to really deepen the level of healing she is able to provide. It’s also been a great stress buster!

-Jesse Tallon, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Edmonton, AB.

"After the healing done on me by Genevieve Gutierrez in my office several years ago, I felt energized. She had a soothing and subtle energy. I always felt relieved of tension and stress after each healing seminar with her."

 Jaime T. Licauco, Founder- President of the Inner Mind Development Institute Makati, 


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